

Page history last edited by PBworks 19 years, 1 month ago

Okay, how do I post a blog?


  • Register your username, e-mail address and password with pbwiki.com. After you have registered return to our class page:sebrench.pbwiki.com.
  • To add your name to the blog page, find the link OurBlogs in the sidebar, and click on it.
  • click "edit" on the upper left hand corner of the screen. (Note, if you are asked for a password, do NOT use the one that pbwiki sends you over the email. The password for this site is: english15.)
  • Type in your chosen username on the blog page, (be sure to use two capital letters with lower-case letters between.)
  • After you have entered your name on the editing page, click "Update".
  • When you return to the OurBlogs page, click on your username, and create a link to your new entry. To make a new entry or rather a link to a new page, use two capital letters in a word with lowercase letters between, just as you did for your username. Pbwiki will automatically recognize the word as a link to a page.
  • Another easy way to make a link is to click "edit", and surround a word with brackets. (Click on edit, and look at the word "brackets" in the previous sentence if you want to see how this is done.)
  • Click on your new link, and have fun writing.
  • When you are finished click "Update". To edit a page click "Edit".
  • If you have problems feel free to e-mail me at seb327@psu.edu




  • One * at the beginning of a line makes a bullet point, like this.
  • One ! makes a huge headline
  • Two !! makes a big headline (like "Text formatting" above)
  • Three !!! makes a small headline
  • Two * before and after something makes it bold
  • Two apostrophes ' before and after something makes it italic
  • Three dashes --- make a horizontal bar
  • One vertical bar before and after something puts a box around it


  • You can also show pictures in your wiki. Just add the link to the picture in brackets! (Click edit above to see how I added the sandwich here!)




If you think you can make our class page look better, you probably can--feel free to make the site your own, change or add pictures, post your thoughts under OurBlogs, put up links you think might be useful to the class under our Useful links heading in the sidebar, and just have fun.

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